As the days until I have to renew the HOPPINGTOPPING.com domain count down, my shipment of Kill Me Baby's latest volume and Manga Time Kirara Carat's similarly KMB-filled latest issue languishes in a Serpost office and I forget the fact that I have to study for my delayed quarterly exams, a random thing suddenly comes up to my mind: "How long, exactly, had it been since I first unveiled HOPPINGTOPPING to the world? It has to be a year since I did, right?"

Turns out... it's been quite a bit over one, as of writing this on a Monday, February 14th of 2024.

To be exact, it's been 400 days since the home page for HOPPINGTOPPING was originally created and published in Neocities.

13 months, 4 days.
A year, a month and about half a week.
9600 hours.
576,000 minutes.
34,560,000 seconds since I started coding the first page of what eventually would become my current personal website.

I would then continue slowly but surely developing the foundations of this site throughout September and October, with me finishing the last bits (that is, adding the kozume-era articles and remaking the about page because I didn't like how it looked like) and publishing them on October 29th.

After that, I think the biggest thing was the HOPPINGTOPPING.com domain; which I bought on November 5th and set up on the following day.
While it's not been as stable as the Neocities mirror due to issues I've had involving my VPS providers, I've always tried to make that version of the site get any updates firstm as well as hosting the short-lived (or will it be?) portal to all the sites for my personal projects.

Between IRL and online, a lot of stuff has happened over the past 400 days: I'm now about to finish high school, scanlated, stopped scanlating and returned to scanlate Kill Me Baby, went back to Windows, started working, brought parappa.party and its services back to their proper domain (and made a small new section), got a phone, switched back to FreeBSD, finally became disciplined regarding my study of the Japanese language, started working on a currently incomplete fanshrine dedicated to Cheren from Pokemon, traveled to a couple countries and now...

...now I'm watching cartoons.
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, to be specific. I remember having watched reruns on CN when I was six or seven years old, but these were only random episodes and faint memories of when I deliberately stood up early to watch MAD (no, really) episodes before going to school.
Mandy a cute.

Anyways, since this is some sort of anniversary post, I guess I should note down the kinds of things I want to do in this site within the next few months or so, the sooner the better.

...amd I guess that's all I wanted to say. Here's hoping for another 400 days of surprises. Have this random screenshot of Mandy - it'd be fitting if I weren't in the Southern Hemisphere.

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